Isn’t all telemarketing the same?
No. Matching the right sort of telemarketing to your objectives is the key to success. Regular telemarketing will fail if your objective demands experience-based telemarketing.
KMA One provides a range of specialized telemarketing resources to match not only the specific target market but also the specific objective of your project. This cost-effectively maximizes your results.
Telemarketing works!
Telemarketing has always been an effective direct marketing technique. As the effectiveness of other direct marketing methods have declined, it has become the most cost-effective medium for many objectives – especially lead generation. Unfortunately, when we talk to new clients we find many whose experience with telemarketing has been poor. The reason is the very wide selection of services that all go under the name of “telemarketing”.
Consider the example of tools. Not all tools are the same; each has a specific purpose, use, and level of quality. You wouldn’t use a hammer to tighten a screw. Also, a tool from a national maker with a lifetime guarantee is of higher quality than a cheap imitator. Although it may sound simple-minded, this analogy of tools works well for telemarketing. When someone tells you they “do telemarketing”, all they have told you is they have “tools”; you will need to know a lot more before you can be sure that they have the right tool for your needs.
The objectives drive the skills needed
Telemarketing is used to achieve many objectives. Across all of your marketing and sales objectives it's important to clearly define what it is you're trying to achieve, whether it's advising customers of new products, gauging a prospects interest or setting appointments.
Caller skills – the key to success
Very high skills are needed to make higher-level calls, such as lead generation for complex solutions. When telemarketing “fails” it is almost always because of violating this rule.
For lead generation the high skills needed cannot be obtained by training. Getting a CIO to talk to you on the phone and then winning his or her confidence in a few minutes is harder than conducting a face-to-face call. A caller needs years of experience to draw on to be able to succeed in qualifying leads on the phone. In fact, this type of telemarketing is so different we call it experience-based telemarketing to distinguish it from regular telemarketing.
KMA’s research on the relative effectiveness of experience-based telemarketing is so conclusive that we have created a pool of HiQ callers that have an average of over 25 years of sales experience.
Matching goals with resource
To succeed with your telemarketing, the objectives of the call must be matched to the skills of the caller. Some projects require a range of skills. By blending a mix of caller skills, we can tune the resource to match the needs of your project.